
Planetary Scale Postgres for Spring Boot Apps: a fast and frictionless migration path for developers

with Mark Heckler

Migrations can be among the greatest challenges a developer can face, but they don't have to be! Spring Boot and Spring Data provide abstractions that streamline development, helping developers go from concept to deployment with the least friction possible.

The Cosmos DB team at Microsoft has made connecting your Postgres-enabled Spring Boot app to the Azure Database for PostgreSQL fast and easy. In this short session, the presenter live codes a Spring Boot application and connects it to a local PostgreSQL database, then migrates it to Azure in a matter of seconds. Moving to a planetary-scale database doesn't have to be difficult with the right tools at your disposal! Come to this session to learn how to migrate your apps and scale your data in less time than it takes to finish your coffee...and with less effort.


Azure Cosmos DB
Azure Database for PostgreSQL