
Playwright in Action: From Setup to Best Practices

with Max Schmitt, Stefan Judis

Dive into the essentials of end-to-end testing with Playwright in this engaging 45-minute session. A Playwright core contributor will guide you through a hands-on demo, demonstrating how to efficiently set up, execute automated tests and debug them in GitHub Actions. After that a Playwright ambassador will share the best practices and tips to optimize your testing workflow.


  • 00:06 - Welcome and Intros
  • 00:45 - What is Playwright
  • 03:44 - Multiple Languages
  • 03:49 - Playwright Test for VS Code Extension
  • 07:27 - Locating Elements
  • 05:57 - Demo - Creating, running and debugging Playwright tests
  • 44:30 - Connect and Learn more
  • 45:17 - Wrap
