
Authoring and deploying Azure resources with Bicep

with Scott Hanselman, Alex Frankel

Have you ever tried to deploy to Azure with ARM templates, but found them too difficult or overwhelming to learn? Alex Frankel joins Scott Hanselman to show how Bicep—an abstraction on top of ARM templates—gives you all the same power and flexibility, but in a modern, safe, declarative language.


  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 03:30 - Demo - a Bicep file from scratch
  • 16:15 - Demo - transpiling with az bicep build
  • 19:40 - Demo - adding a parameter for a name prefix
  • 23:40 - Demo - unplanned debugging activity
  • 25:55 - Demo - back on track
  • 28:00 - Demo - a few more features
  • 35:22 - Wrap-up

