Azure IoT Solutions - Get your IoT project started in minutes with SaaS and preconfigured solutions
with Tim Laverty, Cory Newton-Smith
Because implementing complete E2E IoT solutions from devices all the way up to Business applications can prove challenging, especially if you are not in the IT business, Azure offers solutions that will simplify your experience and minimize time to production. Come discover the latest and most advanced SaaS and Preconfigured Solutions for IoT on the market today.
Create a Free Account (Azure): https://aka.ms/c9-azurefree
Because implementing complete E2E IoT solutions from devices all the way up to Business applications can prove challenging, especially if you are not in the IT business, Azure offers solutions that will simplify your experience and minimize time to production. Come discover the latest and most advanced SaaS and Preconfigured Solutions for IoT on the market today.
Create a Free Account (Azure): https://aka.ms/c9-azurefree
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