
Mark Russinovich and Aaron Margosis: Sysinternals, Stuxnet, AMA

with Mark Russinovich, Charles Torre, Aaron Margosis

Mark Russinovich and Aaron Margosis discuss Sysinternals tools, computer viruses, hackers, hacking and more with Charles Torre. Questions from a live virtual audience are addressed. This is a great example of riding tandem with the random, the theme of Channel 9 Live's TechEd 2012 coverage - it's pure C9. Nothing was rehearsed. No scripts. No plan (beyond the scheduling, and even that changed Smiley ). Just real conversation with virtual audience participation. There are several golden nuggets in this one. Not to spoil the surprise, you have to watch it to find out...

Tune in. Enjoy.

Huge thanks to Mark and Aaron for being such great sports!