
Automated backups, PITR, and Availability Groups with Arc-enabled SQL Server | Data Exposed

with Anna Hoffman, Dinakar Nethi

This demo features two of the capabilities unlocked with Arc enabling your SQL Server(s). The first one covers the built-in Automated backups and Point-in-time restore capability which allows you to configure a custom backup schedule and perform a point in time restore of your user databases.

The second feature is in the High Availability space and gives you the ability to view your Always On Availability Groups that are configured on your Arc enabled SQL Server(s), view a real time status of each of those AGs - from synchronization to health state as well as perform a planned, manual failover, all from Azure portal.


  • 00:25 - Introductions
  • 01:11 - Azure Arc described
  • 02:00 - Automated backups and Point-In-Time restores
  • 04:07 - Demo
  • 07:29 - Always-On Availability Groups
  • 08:44 - Demo
  • 09:38 - Closing


SQL Server