
Capturing Query Metrics in Azure SQL Database | Data Exposed: MVP Edition

with Rie Irish, Grant Fritchey

While Azure SQL Database is different than SQL Server in some ways, when it comes to gathering query metrics, a lot of the tools are the same. In this episode of Data Exposed: MVP Edition with Rie Irish and Grant Fritchey, they will give you a quick rundown of the various ways you can see how your queries are performing within Azure SQL Database. And they'll also discuss why you would use each method.

About Grant Fritchey: Grant Fritchey works for Red Gate Software as a Product Advocate. Grant has more than 30 years of experience in the industry as a DBA and developer. Grant has written many books including “SQL Server 2022 Query Performance Tuning”. Grant teaches classes on data management and databases to the smallest user groups and largest events, all around the world.

About MVPs: Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals, or MVPs, are technology experts who passionately share their knowledge with the community. They are always on the "bleeding edge" and have an unstoppable urge to get their hands on new, exciting technologies. They have very deep knowledge of Microsoft products and services, while also being able to bring together diverse platforms, products and solutions, to solve real world problems. MVPs make up a global community of over 4,000 technical experts and community leaders across 90 countries/regions and are driven by their passion, community spirit, and quest for knowledge. Above all and in addition to their amazing technical abilities, MVPs are always willing to help others - that's what sets them apart. Learn more.


Azure SQL Database