Deploying your Azure Infrastructure with Terraform
Abel sits down with Technical Solutions Professional April Edwards to talk about using Terraform to deploy to Azure. In today's DevOps world, Infrastructure as Code is a vital component.
ARM templates are great but can be difficult to author. Terraform is a great option. Not only can you use Terraform as your IaC for Azure, it works across multiple clouds and even on prem.
In this episode, April dives in and shows us how to define and deploy our infrastructure into Azure using Terraform.
Follow April on Twitter: @TheAprilEdwards
Follow Abel on Twitter: @AbelSquidHead
- Terraform overview: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/terraform/terraform-overview
- Deploy App Service and Deployment Slots: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/terraform/terraform-slot-walkthru
- Github resources for Azure Provider templates: https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-azurerm/tree/master/examples
- Hashicorp Terraform provider documentation: https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azurerm/index.html
- Deploying Terraform with Bash: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-shell/example-terraform-bash
Abel sits down with Technical Solutions Professional April Edwards to talk about using Terraform to deploy to Azure. In today's DevOps world, Infrastructure as Code is a vital component.
ARM templates are great but can be difficult to author. Terraform is a great option. Not only can you use Terraform as your IaC for Azure, it works across multiple clouds and even on prem.
In this episode, April dives in and shows us how to define and deploy our infrastructure into Azure using Terraform.
Follow April on Twitter: @TheAprilEdwards
Follow Abel on Twitter: @AbelSquidHead
- Terraform overview: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/terraform/terraform-overview
- Deploy App Service and Deployment Slots: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/terraform/terraform-slot-walkthru
- Github resources for Azure Provider templates: https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-azurerm/tree/master/examples
- Hashicorp Terraform provider documentation: https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azurerm/index.html
- Deploying Terraform with Bash: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-shell/example-terraform-bash
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