
Convert analog signals to digital data with .NET (Part 6 of 6) | .NET IoT for Beginners

with Cam Soper

How do analog signals get converted into digital data? In part 6 of .NET IoT for Beginners, Microsoft Sr. Content Developer Cam Soper explores Analog-to-Digital converters (ADCs) with single-board computers and the .NET IoT libraries. Cam then shows how he uses a Raspberry Pi and an MCP3008 ADC for one of his favorite activities: BBQ with .NET!


  • 00:00 - Greeting and introduction
  • 00:33 - MCP3008
  • 00:50 - Potentiometers
  • 01:14 - Connecting a MCP3008
  • 02:23 - Creating and running the Adc app
  • 04:44 - Connecting an ADS1115
  • 05:22 - Modifying the app for ADS1115
  • 07:15 - Inferno, the .NET-powered BBQ smoker
  • 09:28 - Using an RTD to detect temperature
  • 13:38 - Series conclusion (at least for now)



Azure IoT