
Convert analog signals to digital data with .NET (Part 6 of 6) | .NET IoT for Beginners

with Cam Soper


This video was produced using .NET 7. The code samples featured in this video have been updated on GitHub to use .NET 8. Ensure you are using the .NET 8 SDK when compiling the samples. For more information, refer to the .NET IoT docs.

How do analog signals get converted into digital data? In part 6 of .NET IoT for Beginners, Microsoft Sr. Content Developer Cam Soper explores Analog-to-Digital converters (ADCs) with single-board computers and the .NET IoT libraries. Cam then shows how he uses a Raspberry Pi and an MCP3008 ADC for one of his favorite activities: BBQ with .NET!


  • 00:00 - Greeting and introduction
  • 00:33 - MCP3008
  • 00:50 - Potentiometers
  • 01:14 - Connecting a MCP3008
  • 02:23 - Creating and running the Adc app
  • 04:44 - Connecting an ADS1115
  • 05:22 - Modifying the app for ADS1115
  • 07:15 - Inferno, the .NET-powered BBQ smoker
  • 09:28 - Using an RTD to detect temperature
  • 13:38 - Series conclusion (at least for now)



Azure IoT