
Training a model with scikit-learn | Even More Python for Beginners - Data Tools [21 of 31]

There are numerous types of machine learning models available. One of the first most data scientists explore is what's known as a linear regression model, which can be used for numerous situations, including trying to smooth out dots on a graph. We'll explore the code necessary to create a model.

Watch the Python for Beginner series here: https://aka.ms/PythonBeginnerSeries
For the Full 'Intro to Python' course on Microsoft Learn: https://aka.ms/MSLearnPython
All video content will available at: https://github.com/microsoft/c9-python-getting-started/
First series: https://github.com/microsoft/c9-python-getting-started/tree/master/python-for-beginners
Second series: https://github.com/microsoft/c9-python-getting-started/tree/master/more-python-for-beginners
Third series: https://github.com/microsoft/c9-python-getting-started/tree/master/even-more-python-for-beginners-data-tools

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