
Introduction to Playwright for end-to-end testing

with Debbie O'Brien

Introduction to the series, Getting started with end to end testing with: Playwright.

Playwright is an an open source, end to end testing framework by Microsoft for testing your modern web applications. It works across all modern browsers and on all platforms. Playwright can automate what a user does, such as clicking on elements and filling out forms. As Playwright is like a really fast user, it waits for elements to be actionable before it clicks on them and retries when making assertions to ensure your tests are not flaky. As tests run in parallel by default, test execution is super-fast.


  • 00:00 - Welcome & Intro
  • 00:10 - End-to-End Testing Series Intro
  • 00:18 - How Playwright Works
  • 00:46 - Up Next: Getting Started