A frequent question asked is: Where goes what or where should I put my data? With Amy Boyd (@AmyKateNicho), Frank invited different product teams to share what type of data and goes in their service. Let's meet with Synapse Analytics, Cosmo DB, Azure Data Lake, and Azure Data Explorer product manager. Each one will introduces their tech and share scenarios where their product is particularly efficient. As usual after each presentation there will be period of live Q&A with audience. Bring your questions!
What is Azure Data Explorer? Is it the same thing as Kusto or it's different? When should we use it? Learn all about it and more in this segment of Hello World.
Reach out to Vincent-Philippe Lauzon on Twitter @vplauzon and LinkedIn
A frequent question asked is: Where goes what or where should I put my data? With Amy Boyd (@AmyKateNicho), Frank invited different product teams to share what type of data and goes in their service. Let's meet with Synapse Analytics, Cosmo DB, Azure Data Lake, and Azure Data Explorer product manager. Each one will introduces their tech and share scenarios where their product is particularly efficient. As usual after each presentation there will be period of live Q&A with audience. Bring your questions!
What is Azure Data Explorer? Is it the same thing as Kusto or it's different? When should we use it? Learn all about it and more in this segment of Hello World.
Reach out to Vincent-Philippe Lauzon on Twitter @vplauzon and LinkedIn