Azure IoT Edge monitoring and troubleshooting
with Olivier Bloch
In this episode, Venkat Yalla, Principal Program Manager in the Azure IoT Ege tells us about the new, first-class IoT Edge remote monitoring solution built around IoT Edge's built-in diagnostics and Azure Monitor in the cloud. Venkat explores powerful patterns to monitor your IoT Edge fleet that will enable you to detect and mitigate production issues rapidly and at-scale.
Learn more reading Venkat's blog post at https://aka.ms/iotshow/edgemon
In this episode, Venkat Yalla, Principal Program Manager in the Azure IoT Ege tells us about the new, first-class IoT Edge remote monitoring solution built around IoT Edge's built-in diagnostics and Azure Monitor in the cloud. Venkat explores powerful patterns to monitor your IoT Edge fleet that will enable you to detect and mitigate production issues rapidly and at-scale.
Learn more reading Venkat's blog post at https://aka.ms/iotshow/edgemon
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