Using Azure Data Lake to analyze IoT Data
with Olivier Bloch
Here are some interesting concepts about data in IoT applications Kevin Saye shares with us on the IoT Show: all data has value, data needs to be preserved in its raw form for later usage and you want to store this data in a cost effective manner.
Curious about these statements? Watch this very interesting episode about these concepts illustrated with a demo showing Azure Data Lake Analytics used to analyze data from IoT devices collected through Azure IoT Hub.
Here are some interesting concepts about data in IoT applications Kevin Saye shares with us on the IoT Show: all data has value, data needs to be preserved in its raw form for later usage and you want to store this data in a cost effective manner.
Curious about these statements? Watch this very interesting episode about these concepts illustrated with a demo showing Azure Data Lake Analytics used to analyze data from IoT devices collected through Azure IoT Hub.
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