24 episodes

Learn Live: Azure Cosmos DB Certification Study Hall

Learn how to design, implement, and monitor cloud-native applications that store and manage data. Learn Live with our experts and get certified with the Azure Cosmos DB Developer Specialty certification.

Join us for this live learning experience where you will be guided by subject matter experts through the Learn modules below in real time along with developers around the globe. Earn badges, prepare for certifications and Learn Live with a great community! See you there :)

Get started with Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Get started with Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Learn about the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API and determine if it is a good fit for your application. Then Learn how to use the Azure Cosmos DB SQL to create an account, and then use the account to create Cosmos DB resources. In this episode, you will:

  • Evaluate whether Azure Cosmos DB SQL API is the right database for your application.
  • Describe how the features of the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API are appropriate for modern applications.
  • Create a new Azure Cosmos DB SQL API account
  • Create database, container, and item resources for an Azure Cosmos DB SQL API account
Plan and implement Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Plan and implement Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Familiarize yourself with the various configuration options for a new Azure Cosmos DB SQL API account. Then select between the various throughput offerings in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API. In this episode, you will:

  • Evaluate various requirements of your application
  • Compare the various service and throughput offerings for Azure Cosmos DB
  • Migrate between standard and autoscale throughput
Move data into and out of Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Move data into and out of Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Migrate data into and out of Azure Cosmos DB SQL API using Azure services and open-source solutions. In this episode, you will:

  • Migrate data using Azure services
  • Migrate data using Spark or Kafka
Use the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API SDK

Use the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API SDK

Learn about the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos library, and then download the library to use in a .NET application. In this episode, you will:

  • Integrate the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos SDK library from NuGet
  • Connect to an Azure Cosmos DB SQL API account using the SDK and .NET
Configure the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API SDK

Configure the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API SDK

Learn how to configure the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API SDK in various ways including how to integrate with the emulator, implement parallelism, and create a custom logger. In this episode, you will:

  • Configure the SDK for offline development
  • Troubleshoot common connection errors
  • Implement parallelism in the SDK
  • Configure logging using the SDK
Implement Azure Cosmos DB SQL API point operations

Implement Azure Cosmos DB SQL API point operations

Write code to create, read, update, and delete items in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API. In this episode, you will:

  • Perform CRUD operations using the SDK
  • Configure TTL for a specific item
Perform cross-document transactional operations with the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Perform cross-document transactional operations with the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Perform operations on multiple items in single logical units of work. In this episode, you will:

  • Create a transactional batch and review results
  • Implement optimistic concurrency control for an operation
Process bulk data in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Process bulk data in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Perform bulk operations on Azure Cosmos DB in bulk from code using the SDK. In this episode, you will:

  • Use C# task asynchronous programming model and "bulk" support in the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API .NET SDK
  • Prepare yourself for certification
Query the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Query the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Author queries for Azure Cosmos DB SQL API using the SQL query language. In this episode, you will:

  • Create and execute a SQL query
  • Project query results
  • Use built-in functions in a query
Author complex queries with the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Author complex queries with the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Create SQL queries for Azure Cosmos DB SQL API that uses subqueries or cross-products. In this episode, you will:

  • Implement a correlated subquery
  • Create a cross-product query
Define indexes in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Define indexes in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Discover indexes and indexing policies in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API. In this episode, you will:

  • Create and execute a SQL query
  • Project query results
  • Use built-in functions in a query
Customize indexes in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Customize indexes in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Customize indexing policies for a container in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API. In this episode, you will:

  • Implement a correlated subquery
  • Create a cross-product query
Consume an Azure Cosmos DB SQL API change feed using the SDK

Consume an Azure Cosmos DB SQL API change feed using the SDK

Process change feed events using the change feed processor in the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API .NET SDK. In this episode, you will:

  • Create a change feed processor in the .NET SDK
  • Author a delegate to handle a batch of changes in a client-side application
Handle events with Azure Functions and Azure Cosmos DB SQL API change feed

Handle events with Azure Functions and Azure Cosmos DB SQL API change feed

Use Azure Functions bindings to integrate a function with Azure Cosmos DB SQL API. In this episode, you will:

  • Create an Azure Function using the Azure Cosmos DB trigger
  • Prepare yourself for certification
Search Azure Cosmos DB SQL API data with Azure Cognitive Search

Index Azure Cosmos DB SQL API data with Azure Cognitive Search. In this episode, you will:

  • Create an indexer to migrate data from Azure Cosmos DB SQL API to an Azure Cognitive Search index
  • Prepare yourself for certification
Implement a non-relational data model

Implement a non-relational data model

Identify an application's key access patterns. Define the entities' data model, along with containers to store the data with a partition key that will result in an efficient and scalable data store for the application. In this episode, you will:

  • Determine access patterns for data.
  • Apply data model and partitioning strategies to support an efficient and scalable NoSQL database.
Design a data partitioning strategy

Design a data partitioning strategy

Identify strategies for managing relationships between data entities, such as customers and sales data. Improve data-model performance and scaling by pre-aggregating and denormalizing your data. Use change-feed to maintain your data's referential integrity. In this episode, you will:

  • Manage relationships between data entities by using advanced modeling and partitioning strategies.
  • Maintain the referential integrity of your data by using change feed.
  • Implement pre-aggregating and denormalizing data strategies to improve data-model performance and scaling.
  • Optimizing storage and compute by mixing entity types in a single container
Configure replication and manage failovers in Azure Cosmos DB

Configure replication and manage failovers in Azure Cosmos DB

Replicate data across the globe and manage automatic or manual failovers in Azure Cosmos DB. In this episode, you will:

  • Distribute data across global data centers
  • Configure automatic failover and perform a manual failover
  • Configure the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API .NET SDK to use a specific region
Use consistency models in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Use consistency models in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Configure consistency on a sliding scale for Azure Cosmos DB SQL API. In this episode, you will:

  • Configure default consistency level for an Azure Cosmos DB account
  • Change the consistency level on a per-request basis
Configure multi-region write in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Configure multi-region write in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Write data to multiple regions using Azure Cosmos DB SQL API. In this episode, you will:

  • Configure Azure Cosmos DB for multi-region write
  • Use the .NET SDK to select a write region for operations.
Customize an indexing policy in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Customize an indexing policy in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Tune the indexing policy based on your SQL queries in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API. In this episode, you will:

  • Customize an indexing policy for read-heavy workloads
  • Customize an indexing policy for write-heavy workloads
Measure index performance in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Measure index performance in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Measure the performance of an indexing policy in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API. In this episode, you will:

  • Tune an indexing policy for specific queries
  • Measure the cost for a query or operation
Implement integrated cache in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Implement integrated cache in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

Implement, configure, and monitor integrated cache in Azure Cosmos DB SQL API. In this episode, you will:

  • Implement the integrated cache
  • Configure integrated cache options

Our Speakers and Moderators

  • Abdul Rasheed Feroz Khan

    Founder & CEO, Microsoft MVP, CodeSizzler

  • Alex Mang

    Founder/CEO, Microsoft RD, MVP and MCT, KeyTicket Solutions

  • Chander Dhall

    CEO, Author, Microsoft MVP, Cazton

  • Chris Hyde

    Owner and Principal Consultant, Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Hydrate Consulting LLC

  • Glenn Colpaert

    CTO and Founder, Microsoft MVP & MCT, Zure

  • Hasan Savran

    Manager, Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Progressive Insurance

  • Heini Ilmarinen

    DevOps Consultant, Microsoft Data MVP, Polar Squad

  • Jay Gordon

    Azure Cosmos DB Senior Program Manager, Microsoft

  • Joseph Dantoni

    Principal Consultant, Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Denny Cherry & Associates Consulting

  • Justine Cocchi

    Senior Program Manager, Microsoft

  • Lenni Lobel

    CTO, Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Sleek Technologies

  • Marilag Dimatulac

    Cloud Solution Architect, Microsoft Azure MVP, Dewise

  • Mark Brown

    Principal Program Manager, Microsoft

  • Matias Quaranta

    Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft

  • Matt Gordon

    Director of Data and Infrastructure, Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Rev.io

  • Michelle Gutzait

    Senior Solution Architect, Microsoft Data Platform MVP, EPAM

  • Rodrigo Souza

    Senior Program Manager, Azure Cosmos DB, Microsoft

  • Tim Sander

    Program manager, Microsoft

  • Udaiappa Ramachandran

    Chief Technology Officer, Chief Security Officer, Microsoft MVP, Akumina


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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cost to attend the event?

The event is free! You can join Learn TV to the stream content for free!

When does the event take place?

Every week starting January 12, 2022 through July 6, 2022

Will this event be available on-demand?

Yes! You can stream our past events anytime! Browse all Learn Live to stream anytime.

Where does the event take place?

This event series is virtual! Join us and thousands of others to enjoy the experience from the comfort of your own home, office, or device.

What language are episodes delivered in?

This show is delivered in English. Captioning in 14 different languages will be available in the recordings, made available 48 hours after each live show at Learn Live.

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We seek to provide a respectful, friendly, professional experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, physical appearance, disability, age, race or religion. We do not tolerate any behavior that is degrading to any gender, race, sexual orientation, or disability, or any behavior that would be deemed harassment or discrimination. Individuals are responsible for knowing and abiding by our standards and we encourage everyone to assist in creating a welcoming and safe environment. Additionally, we strive to treat our shared planet with the same amount of respect. Please report any questions, concerns, or disruptive activity or behavior to the organizing team, so that we can address the issue immediately.