
Intelligent Apps with Azure Kubernetes Service Ep04: Network Security and Access for Intelligent Applications on Azure Kubernetes Service

with Josh Duffney, Paul Yu, Michael Bazarewsky

While our demo applications may have all of our services open to the public internet, in real life, access control is a requirement. We’ll explore using Azure Virtual Networks and private endpoints to restrict access to Azure OpenAI, while ensuring access for our microservices application. Additionally, we’ll look into how we expose our applications in our Azure Kubernetes Service cluster to the internet safely and securely.

Learning objectives

  • Deploying Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster with Azure CNI network plugin
  • Securing access to Azure OpenAI from AKS using Entra ID Workload Identity
  • Securing network access to Azure OpenAI from AKS using service endpoints
  • Exposing applications with Application Gateway for Containers


  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 04:00 - Learning objectives
  • 07:38 - Introduction to Azure Virtual Networking
  • 12:34 - Demo
  • 51:27 - Introduction to Azure Application Gateway for Containers
  • 01:16:58 - Summary


DevOps Engineer
Solution Architect
Technology Manager
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure OpenAI Service
Azure Virtual Network