
Microsoft Learn AI Skills Challenge Ep07: Learn How to interact with OpenAI models

with Bethany Jepchumba, Vidushi Gupta, Rodrigo Kono

Azure OpenAI Service provides access to OpenAI's powerful large language models such as ChatGPT, GPT, Codex, and Embeddings models. These models enable various natural language processing (NLP) solutions to understand, converse, and generate content. Users can access the service through REST APIs, SDKs, and Azure OpenAI Studio.

Learning objectives

  • Describe GPT model capabilities and implementation
  • Understand prompt engineering concepts and best practices
  • Apply prompt engineering techniques to your own generative AI solutions


  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 04:15 - Scenario
  • 07:33 - Explore types of generative AI models
  • 09:51 - Prompting the models
  • 18:14 - Playground workshop
  • 23:42 - Microsoft AI Tour
  • 25:23 - Basic prompting
  • 30:04 - Provide context to improve accuracy
  • 33:26 - Responsible AI in prompt engineering
  • 40:52 - The knowledge gap
  • 43:49 - Azure OpenAI function calling
  • 46:53 - Knowledge check
  • 57:27 - LLM takeaways
  • 59:20 - Resources


Data Scientist
Azure Machine Learning