
Agentless secret scanning for virtual machines | Defender for Cloud in the Field

In this episode of Defender for Cloud in the Field, Ortal Parpara joins Yuri Diogenes to talk about agentless secret scanning for virtual machines in Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Ortal explains the use case scenario for this feature, how this feature works and the prerequisites for this feature to work. Ortal also demonstrates how Attack Path leverages this feature to provide additional insights about secrets that are located in virtual machine and how this can be used to detect potential cross-cloud attacks.


  • 01:18 - Understanding secret scanning capability for VMs in Defender for Cloud
  • 02:40 - How agentless scanning capability for VMs works
  • 04:30 - Secret detection
  • 06:50 - Performance consideration
  • 08:32 - Demonstration
