
Exploring the Microsoft Graph SDK

Microsoft Graph is a gateway to the data and intelligence in Microsoft 365. It provides a unified programming model that you can use to take advantage of the data in Office 365, Enterprise Mobility + Security, and Windows 10.

In this episode we're joined by Darrel Miller (@darrel_miller), PM for Microsoft Graph developer tooling. Darrel gives us an overview of what Microsoft Graph is, and also shows us how to get started with the .NET SDK.

  • [00:54] - What is Microsoft Graph?
  • [02:25] - Getting started
  • [06:34] - Graph .NET SDK demo
  • [13:45] - Providing a token to the SDK
  • [16:58] - Reading information with the fluent API
  • [19:40] - Sending email via the SDK
  • [21:32] - Customizing the underlying API request
  • [23:39] - How does Microsoft Graph and the SDK get versioned?

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