
How do I use C# and .NET with SQLite?

with Jiachen Jiang

Jiachen Jiang (PM, Data Access) will walk us through how to work with SQLite using C# and .NET and decide which approach works best for your scenario. They explain the differences between the solutions, and demo how to connect to and query a database for each one.


  • 00:05 - Welcome
  • 00:18 - Today's topics
  • 00:42 - SQLite 101
  • 01:03 - Four different use-scenarios for SQLite databases using C#
  • 02:07 - Demo Entity Framework Core
  • 03:06 - Demo SQLite -.NET
  • 03:54 - Demo Dapper
  • 04:51 - Demo ADO.NET
  • 05:38 - Summary
  • 06:32 - Connect and contribute
