How to Port iOS apps to Windows Store apps
This session talks about how to port iOS apps to Windows Store apps with mapping relations between iOS and Windows Store apps. We'll cover programming architectures, design principles, UI controls, application lifecycles, and data storage. After this course, you'll know the difference between these two platforms, and the best replacement when you port a certain feature to Windows Store apps.
Your App Adventure Starts here. Build your Windows Store and Windows Phone Apps and games here.
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This session talks about how to port iOS apps to Windows Store apps with mapping relations between iOS and Windows Store apps. We'll cover programming architectures, design principles, UI controls, application lifecycles, and data storage. After this course, you'll know the difference between these two platforms, and the best replacement when you port a certain feature to Windows Store apps.
Your App Adventure Starts here. Build your Windows Store and Windows Phone Apps and games here.
Try Windows Azure for free with no cost or obligations, and use any OS, language, database or tool. FREE Download
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