
Azure Cache for Redis: Geo-Positioning

with Roberto Perez, Ricky Diep

Azure Cache for Redis Geo-Positioning (AKA Geospatial) Indexes provide a powerful and efficient way to store and query spatial data. This feature enables developers to associate geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) with a unique identifier in Redis, facilitating seamless spatial data storage and retrieval operations. Leveraging geospatial indexes, developers can easily perform various spatial queries, including locating objects within a specific radius, calculating distances between objects, and more. Join Ricky Diep and Roberto Perez as we dive deeper into Geo-Positioning on Azure Cache for Redis.


  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 01:40 - Using Geo-Positioning in the real world
  • 05:25 - Retrieving drivers' location
  • 09:26 -Deleting drivers' information
  • 11:10 - Using Geo-Positioning in real-time

