
Streamlining Data Preparation with Pydantic: A 25-Minute Guide | Python Data Science Day

with Hasan Özdemir

Embark on a 25-minute journey exploring the power of Pydantic in cleaning and preparing data for seamless integration into your Python projects. We'll delve into the versatile capabilities of Pydantic for data validation, type hinting, and structured data cleaning. From ensuring data consistency to handling missing values, Pydantic proves to be an invaluable tool in the data scientist's toolkit.


  • 00:00 - Streamlining Data Preparation with Pydantic
  • 00:34 - Pydantic overview
  • 02:21 - Why use Pydantic
  • 05:15 - Pydantic by the numbers
  • 06:24 - Core Concepts of Pydantic
  • 10:50 - Demo - GitHub Data Crawling ETL (Extract, Transfer, Load)
  • 12:08 - Fetching Data with GitHub API
  • 12:56 - Repository & Gist Pydantic Model
  • 17:16 - Follower & User Pydantic Model
  • 20:26 - Object initialization, serializing, dumping
  • 23:39 - Load into SQLite
  • 25:38 - Learn more and connect

