
Get Out of Dodge: Migrating to Windows Server 2008 R2 x64

with Rick Claus

You can't wait any longer. Your infrastructure is still clinging to the 2003 x86 server architecture but with every day that goes by, you worry more and more that the other shoe will drop. You know you have to bite the bullet and get these critical services over to more modern hardware paired with the current supported revisions of the server platform. These are the services that keep the lights on, the servers running and most importantly: the users happy! This demo-intensive session covers how to migrate essential services like DHCP, DNS, File/Print, Certificate Services and more. But migration is only half the battle. In order to not leave you hanging - this session wraps up with how to manage and maintain these services using the new remote administration tools and Windows PowerShell v2.0. If you have customers stuck in the x86 to x64 migration frontier - show them the path to x64 2008 R2 nirvana.