
Microservices Day 2: You Have a Service Mesh, Now What?

William Morgan (@wm), CEO at Buoyant and Linkerd maintainer, joins Lachie Evenson (@LachlanEvenson) to dive deeper into service meshes (want a refresher? Check out Intro to Service Meshes: Data Planes, Control Planes, and More in the links below). 

You'll learn about the "Golden Signals" that make it easier to monitor a distributed cloud native application, how the extra layer of abstraction makes it easier to operate and troubleshoot, and that you can in fact use a service mesh to monitor a service mesh. 

[01:40] Understanding the layers of a service mesh

[02:41] How service meshes help with diagnostics

[03:42] Who is maintaining the service mesh

[04:46] Can I monitor the service mesh with the service mesh?

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Watch Intro to Service Meshes: Data Planes, Control Planes, and More