
Pushing the Boundaries of Coding with AI: Introducing GitHub Copilot | Part (5 of 7)

with Mark Wilson-Thomas, Richard Campbell

Curious about how AI is reshaping the developer experience? Richard Campbell, the voice behind .Net Rocks, sits down with Mark Wilson-Thomas, Principal Product Manager, to discuss the exciting world of AI-assisted development and GitHub Copilot.

What to Expect:

  • Hear Mark's insights into how AI has elevated IntelliSense from a simple code completer to an intelligent coding assistant.
  • Explore the cutting-edge features of GitHub Copilot and how it's designed to streamline your coding experience.
  • Get a tantalizing glimpse into the future of AI in development, including upcoming advances that promise to revolutionize the field.

Who Should Watch:

  • If you're interested in the intersection of AI and software development.
  • If you're looking to enhance your coding workflow with AI-assisted tools.
  • If you're a team leader considering the integration of intelligent assistants like GitHub Copilot into your development process.


  • 00:00 - Coming up
  • 00:11 - Inside Visual Studio: Tea and Technology
  • 00:30 - Welcome Mark Wilson-Thomas
  • 04:29 - Introducing Github Copilot
  • 18:28 - Wrap


Visual Studio