
Edit and Run Code in Visual Studio Code

with Ornella Altunyan

In this Visual Studio Code tutorial, we cover how to edit and run a small piece of code, including the features outlined below. After viewing this overview, read on in the Related Resources section to see more features.


  • 00:00 - Welcome
  • 00:15 - Open a folder for your project
  • 00:35 - Set up Node.js, test with ""node --version""
  • 01:05 - Create a new file
  • 01:25 - Create a simple ""Hello world"" console log using Node.js and IntelliSense
  • 01:35 - IntelliSense suggestions for JavaScript methods and variables
  • 02:05 - Turn on Auto Save in Settings (Ctrl-, / ⌘-,)
  • 02:25 - Run your code in the integrated Terminal (Ctrl-`)

Visual Studio Code