
The Microsoft Cloud Platform for Developers

with Scott Hanselman

Just a command line or a click away - you now have the power to tap into dozens of global data centers and enact your will. Publish a website in seconds on Azure App Service, add Machine Learning intelligence with a couple of API calls, connect your "internet of things" or roll your own web stack from scratch in a VM – the choice is yours. In this demo-packed talk, Scott Hanselman will show you just how easy it for any developer to deliver mind blowing next-generation web applications and services powered by the cloud.

The HealthClinic.biz demo used in the keynote can be found in the repo at https://github.com/Microsoft/HealthClinic.biz/. The samples in the repo are used to present an end-to-end demo scenario based on a fictitious B2B and multitenant system, named "HealthClinic.biz" that provides different websites, mobile apps, wearable apps, and services running on the latest Microsoft and open technologies.
