Azure: building applications using Azure Service Fabric and ASP.NET Core
with Vaclav Turecek
Join us to learn how you can build microservice applications with .NET Core and Azure Service Fabric. We will cover key capabilities and concepts that enable developers to build stateless or stateful applications with Service Fabric, show you how to use the reverse proxy to communicate between services, and talk about intelligent gateways for your application access.
Create a Free Account (Azure): https://aka.ms/azft-net
Join us to learn how you can build microservice applications with .NET Core and Azure Service Fabric. We will cover key capabilities and concepts that enable developers to build stateless or stateful applications with Service Fabric, show you how to use the reverse proxy to communicate between services, and talk about intelligent gateways for your application access.
Create a Free Account (Azure): https://aka.ms/azft-net
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