Kubernetes development with the Visual Studio connected environment
with Scott Hanselman
Scott Hanselman demos the Visual Studio connected environment—Kubernetes development in Azure from Visual Studio 2017, as announced at Connect 2017.
Product info: hnsl.mn/VisualStudioKubernetes (blog post)
Learn more: aka.ms/signup-vsce
Documentation: aka.ms/signup-vsce
Blog: hnsl.mn/VisualStudioKubernetes (blog post)
Create a Free Account (Azure): https://aka.ms/c9-azurefree
Scott Hanselman demos the Visual Studio connected environment—Kubernetes development in Azure from Visual Studio 2017, as announced at Connect 2017.
Product info: hnsl.mn/VisualStudioKubernetes (blog post)
Learn more: aka.ms/signup-vsce
Documentation: aka.ms/signup-vsce
Blog: hnsl.mn/VisualStudioKubernetes (blog post)
Create a Free Account (Azure): https://aka.ms/c9-azurefree
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