
Windows IoT #3: Building C# Drivers, sensors & Nuget Packages using VS (Getting Started Series)

In the third episode of this series, Dmitry and Suz introduce a smart home device prototype designed to integrate several devices and Azure services together. This smart home device makes use of a proximity sensor, temperature sensor, webcam, and a small HDMI screen. The Azure services the device connects to are Azure IoT Hub and the Face API offering from Microsoft Cognitive Services.

There are a number of ways to interface with devices and sensors on the Raspberry Pi using Windows IoT Core. Dmitry and Suz will talk about three: Built-in UWP APIs, Nuget packages and manually writing drivers directly in C#.

You can find all the episodes in this series as they go live in our YouTube playlist.


  1. Smart Home Device source code on GitHub
  2. BME280 sensor Nuget package on GitHub
  3. Capturing webcam images using the MediaCapture class
  4. Microsoft Cognitive Services Face API

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Windows for IoT