Audio devices (feature)

Applies to: Skype for Business 2015

Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 5.0 provides the following integrated audio devices:

Applications can use audio devices attached to media flows to implement scenarios such as the following:

  • Use a Player object to play prerecorded prompts in an interactive voice response (IVR) application.

  • Use a Recorder object to record messages or conversations in a call.

  • Use a ToneController object to receive or send DTMF commands and perform actions on these DTMF commands, or to send or receive Fax tones.

  • Use a SpeechRecognitionConnector object, in conjunction with the Microsoft.Speech namespace, to perform speech recognition.

  • Use a SpeechSynthesisConnector object, in conjunction with the Microsoft.Speech namespace, to render text as speech.

See also