
The Get-CcCredential cmdlet returns the credential of the current Skype for Business Cloud Connector Edition deployment.

With Version 2.0 and later, you can also use the -DisplayPassword parameter to show the passwords for TenantAdmin, DomainAdmin, and VMAdmin.

Get-CcCredential [[-AccountType] <string> {VmAdmin | DomainAdmin | SafeModeAdmin | ExternalCert | TenantAdmin}]


Example 1

The following example returns the credential of the domain administrator of the Cloud Connector virtual machine domain:

Get-CcCredential -AccountType DomainAdmin

Detailed Description

The Get-CcCredential cmdlet returns the credential information about the specified account type. These credentials are specified by the administrator who runs the Register-CcAppliance and Install-CcAppliance cmdlets when deploying the current appliance.

The Get-CcCredential cmdlet returns an instance of the System.Management.Automation.PSCredential object. The password property of the return object is System.Security.SecureString.

If you want to get the clear text of the domain administrator password, be sure the password is input by your current sign in account on the host server, and then open a PowerShell console as administrator and run the below script:

$cred = Get-CcCredential -AccountType DomainAdmin
$password =  $cred.Password
$bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password);
$text = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($bstr);
Write-Host $text


Parameter Required Type Description
AccountType value can be one of the following:
VmAdmin: the local administrator of Cloud Connector virtual machines.
DomainAdmin: Domain administrator of Cloud Connector virtual machine domain.
SafeModeAdmin: SafeModeAdmin of Cloud Connector virtual machine domain controller.
ExternalCert: Account of external certificate installed on the Microsoft Edge Server.
TenantAdmin: Administrator of the Microsoft 365 tenant.

Input Types

None. The Get-CcCredential cmdlet doesn't accept pipelined input.

Return Types

The Get-CcCredential cmdlet returns an instance of the System.Management.Automation.PSCredential object.

See also
