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Troubleshooting Skype for Business sign-in for users



We'll begin by asking you questions about your installation and the symptoms you're experiencing. Then we'll take you through a series of troubleshooting steps and configuration checks that are specific to your situation.


Some troubleshooting steps are different depending on the type of installation you have. Please complete each troubleshooting step, even if it doesn't seem to apply to you.

The amount of time you spend will depend on the type of installation you have, and the causes of your sign-in issues.

Test your sign-in credentials

The first step is to try to sign in with your credentials in another location: Microsoft 365 Web Scheduler.

In most cases, both your sign-in address and user name look like one of these examples:


Can you sign in to Microsoft 365 Web Scheduler at

Sign in with your corrected sign-in address

If you're able to successfully sign in to Microsoft 365 Web Scheduler, try signing in again with the same type of credentials: or

Were you able to sign in?

Contact your workplace technical support for a new password

If you've forgotten your password or it's no longer working, use the Microsoft Online Password Reset site to request a new password from your workplace technical support team- typically the people who set up your account for you.


If the password reset site doesn't work for you, contact your workplace tech support team directly.

Once you have a new password, try signing in again.

Did this solve your problem?

Sign in on another device

Are you able to sign in on another computer, or on a tablet or smartphone?

Sign in on another network

Can you sign in on a different network-for example, at home, or at a public wireless access point?

Type of device

What type of devices are you using to sign in?

Type of device that you use to sign in

If you can't sign in on another network, the issue might be with the client you're using.

What type of devices are you using to sign in?

Synchronize your system clock with the network (Windows computer or laptop)

Make sure your system clock shows the correct time, and then try signing in again.


Update your computer's system time:

Windows 8

  1. Go to a web site that shows Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

  2. Go to Setting > PC Settings > Time and Language.

  3. Note your UTC offset, and compare your device's time to that shown on the website.

    Screenshot that shows the Time and Language setting.

If you need to update your device's time:

  1. Turn off Set time automatically and tap Change.
  2. Update the time and tap Change.
  3. Try signing in again.

Windows 7

  1. Go to a web site that shows Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

  2. Go to Control Panel > Date and Time, and note the UTC offset for your location.

    Screenshot that shows where to set U T C in the Date and Time tab.

  3. If you need to, choose Change date and time and update your computer's clock.

  4. Try signing in again.

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Desktop Setup

Make sure that Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant is running on Windows Services by following these steps:
(These steps are for Windows 10)

  1. Right-click the Start button and select Run.
  2. Type services.msc and select OK.
  3. In the Services window, check whether the Status of Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant is listed as Running.

Also make sure you have the most current version of Skype for Business.

If you sign-in issue persists, see How to troubleshoot being unable to sign in to Skype for Business or Configure connection settings manually.

Synchronize your system clock with the network (Mac computer or laptop)

Make sure your system clock shows the correct time, and then try signing in again.


Follow these steps:

  1. Go to a web site that shows [Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
  2. Go to Apple > System Preferences.
  3. In the Date & Time pane, select the Date & Time tab.
  4. Note the UTC offset for your location.
  5. If you need to, update your computer's clock, and then try signing in again.

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Delete Skype for Business for Mac sign-in information

Make sure that previously saved sign-in information isn't blocking your current sign-in attempt.


First, delete the following:

  • Users/Home Folder/Library/Caches/ for Business
  • Users/Home Folder/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Microsoft Skype for Business History

Then delete any corrupted or cached certificates:

  1. Open the Keychain Access certificate management utility. To do this, in Finder, select Applications, select Utilities, and then select Keychain Access. Or, search for Keychain Access by using Spotlight.
  2. In the left pane, select login, and then select Certificates.
  3. In the right pane, find any certificate named Unknown or Communications Server, select it, and then delete it. Note that you may have to unlock your keychain by using your password.
  4. Close Keychain Access.
  5. Restart Skype for Business for Mac.

Did this solve your problem?

Update Skype for Business on the smartphone or tablet

Go to the app store for your device and check for updates to the currently installed version of Skype for Business.

Did this solve your problem?

Configure Skype for Business connection settings manually

Manually add Skype for Business server settings and try signing in again.


Manually add Skype for Business server settings:

  1. Go to Skype for Business options > Personal.

  2. Under My account, select Advanced, and then select Manual configuration.

    Screenshot that shows the Advanced Connection Settings page.

  3. Enter in both boxes, and then select OK > OK.

  4. Sign out, and then try signing back in.

Did this solve your problem?

Configure Skype for Business connection settings manually

Manually add Skype for Business server settings, and then try signing in again.


Ask the user to follow these steps:

  1. Select Advanced.
  2. Under Authentication, clear the Use Kerberos check box.
  3. Under Connection Settings, select Manual configuration.
  4. In both the Internal Server Name box and the External Server Name box, type or paste
  5. Select OK.

Did this solve your problem?

Issue temporarily resolved (Clients and devices)

We're glad to hear you're back in service.

To help your organization find out why Skype for Business can't automatically sign in, contact your workplace technical support-typically the person who sent you email about how to get set up with Microsoft 365.

Configure Skype for Business Online connection settings manually (Skype for Business for mobile devices)

Manually add Skype for Business Online server settings, and then try signing in again.


Manually add Skype for Business server settings:

  1. On the Skype for Business sign-in screen, tap More Details (Windows) or Show Advanced Options (iPhone, iPad, or Android).
  2. Turn off Auto-Detect Server.
  3. In both the Internal Discovery Name and External Discovery Name boxes, enter
  4. Select Sign In.

Did this solve your problem?

Contact your workplace technical support

We're sorry, but we couldn't resolve your sign-in issue. For more troubleshooting, contact your workplace technical support-typically the person who sent you email about how to get set up with Microsoft 365.

Enter your user ID

If Skype for Business asks you for your user ID, in most cases it is the same as your sign-in address-for example,

If that doesn't work, try the same credentials you use when signing in to your organization's network-for example, CONTOSO\bobk.

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Update Skype for Business Windows Store app

Make sure you have the most current version of Skype for Business Windows Store app:

  1. On the Start screen, tap Store

    Screenshot that shows the icon of Windows Store App.

  2. Search for Skype for Business, and install the update if one is available.

  3. Try signing in again.

Did this solve your problem?

Clear the DNS cache

Make sure that previously save network information is not blocking your sign-in attempt, and then try signing in again.

Windows 8

Clear the DNS cache (summary)
  • Run the Command prompt app as an administrator, and enter ipconfig /flushdns.
Clear the DNS cache (details)
  1. Swipe in from the right or point to the upper right of the screen.
  2. Choose Search, and then type command.
  3. Select the Command prompt app, and then swipe up from the bottom or right click for options.
  4. Choose Run as administrator, and then choose Yes.
  5. Enter ipconfig /flushdns.

Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003

Clear the DNS cache
  1. Select Start, and in the Search programs and files box, enter cmd.exe.
  2. Right-click cmd.exe in the search list, and then select Run as administrator.
  3. Enter ipconfig /flushdns.

Did this solve your problem?

Can't sign in to Microsoft 365 Web Scheduler

What kind of error did you get when you tried to sign in to

Configure Skype for Business Server connection settings manually (Skype for Business for mobile devices)

If the Skype for Business Online manual configuration didn't work, your organization may be using Skype for Business Server.

  • First try signing in with this Skype for Business Server setting: autodiscoverservice.svc/Root where is your domain name.
  • Then try signing in with this Skype for Business Server setting: autodiscoverservice.svc/Root where is your domain name.


Manually add Skype for Business server settings:

  1. On the Skype for Business sign-in screen, tap More Details (Windows) or Show Advanced Options (iPhone, iPad, or Android).
  2. Turn off Auto-Detect Server.
  3. In both the Internal Discovery Name and External Discovery Name boxes, enter the webdir server address on the left. For example, if your domain name is, enter
  4. Select Sign In.
  5. If you are not able to sign in, enter the webext server address on the left in both boxes. For example:
  6. Select Sign In.

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