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sp_help_notification (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

Reports a list of alerts for a given operator or a list of operators for a given alert.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


    [ @object_type = ] 'object_type'
    , [ @name = ] N'name'
    , [ @enum_type = ] 'enum_type'
    , [ @notification_method = ] notification_method
    [ , [ @target_name = ] N'target_name' ]
[ ; ]


[ @object_type = ] 'object_type'

The type of information to be returned. @object_type is char(9), with no default. @object_type can be ALERTS, which lists the alerts assigned to the supplied operator name, or OPERATORS, which lists the operators responsible for the supplied alert name.

[ @name = ] N'name'

An operator name (if @object_type is OPERATORS) or an alert name (if @object_type is ALERTS). @name is sysname, with no default.

[ @enum_type = ] 'enum_type'

The @object_type information that is returned. @enum_type is ACTUAL in most cases. @enum_type is char(10), and can be one of these values.

Value Description
ACTUAL Lists only the @object_types associated with @name.
ALL Lists all the @object_types including types that aren't associated with @name.
TARGET Lists only the @object_types matching the supplied @target_name, regardless of association with @name.

[ @notification_method = ] notification_method

A numeric value that determines the notification method columns to return. @notification_method is tinyint, and can be one of the following values.

Value Description
1 E-mail: returns only the use_email column.
2 Pager: returns only the use_pager column.
4 NetSend: returns only the use_netsend column.
7 All: returns all columns.

[ @target_name = ] N'target_name'

An alert name to search for (if @object_type is ALERTS) or an operator name to search for (if @object_type is OPERATORS). @target_name is sysname, with a default of NULL. @target_name is needed only if @enum_type is set to TARGET.

Return code values

0 (success) or 1 (failure).

Result set

If @object_type is ALERTS, the result set lists all the alerts for a given operator.

Column name Data type Description
alert_id int Alert identifier number.
alert_name sysname Alert name.
use_email int E-mail is used to notify the operator:

1 = Yes
0 = No
use_pager int Pager is used to notify operator:

1 = Yes
0 = No
use_netsend int Network pop-up is used to notify the operator:

1 = Yes
0 = No
has_email int Number of e-mail notifications sent for this alert.
has_pager int Number of pager notifications sent for this alert.
has_netsend int Number of net send notifications sent for this alert.

If object_type is OPERATORS, the result set lists all the operators for a given alert.

Column name Data type Description
operator_id int Operator identification number.
operator_name sysname Operator name.
use_email int E-mail is used to send notification of the operator:

1 = Yes
0 = No
use_pager int Pager is used to send notification of the operator:

1 = Yes
0 = No
use_netsend int Is a network pop-up used to notify the operator:

1 = Yes
0 = No
has_email int Operator has an e-mail address:

1 = Yes
0 = No
has_pager int Operator has a pager address:

1 = Yes
0 = No
has_netsend int Operator has net send notification configured.

1 = Yes
0 = No


This stored procedure must be run from the msdb database.


To execute this stored procedure, a user must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role.


A. List alerts for a specific operator

The following example returns all alerts for which the operator François Ajenstat receives any kind of notification.

USE msdb;

EXEC dbo.sp_help_notification
    @object_type = N'ALERTS',
    @name = N'François Ajenstat',
    @enum_type = N'ACTUAL',
    @notification_method = 7;

B. List operators for a specific alert

The following example returns all operators who receive any kind of notification for the Test Alert alert.

USE msdb;

EXEC sp_help_notification
    @object_type = N'OPERATORS',
    @name = N'Test Alert',
    @enum_type = N'ACTUAL',
    @notification_method = 7;