sp_help_operator (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

Reports information about the operators defined for the server.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


     { [ @operator_name = ] 'operator_name'   
     | [ @operator_id = ] operator_id }  


[ @operator_name = ] 'operator_name' The operator name. operator_name is sysname. If operator_name is not specified, information about all operators is returned.

[ @operator_id = ] operator_id The identification number of the operator for which information is requested. operator_idis int, with a default of NULL.


Either operator_id or operator_name must be specified, but both cannot be specified.

Return Code Values

0 (success) or 1 (failure)

Result Sets

Column name Data type Description
id int Operator identification number.
name sysname Operator Name.
enabled tinyint Operator is available to receive any notifications:

1 = Yes

0 = No
email_address nvarchar(100) Operator e-mail address.
last_email_date int Date the operator was last notified by e-mail.
last_email_time int Time the operator was last notified by e-mail.
pager_address nvarchar(100) Operator pager address.
last_pager_date int Date the operator was last notified by pager.
last_pager_time int Time the operator was last notified by pager.
weekday_pager_start_time int The start of the time period during which the operator is available to receive pager notifications on a weekday.
weekday_pager_end_time int The end of the time period during which the operator is available to receive pager notifications on a weekday.
saturday_pager_start_time int The start of the time period during which the operator is available to receive pager notifications on Saturdays.
saturday_pager_end_time int The end of the time period during which the operator is available to receive pager notifications on Saturdays.
sunday_pager_start_time int The start of the time period during which the operator is available to receive pager notifications on Sundays.
sunday_pager_end_time int The end of the time period during which the operator is available to receive pager notifications on Sundays.
pager_days tinyint A bitmask (1 = Sunday, 64 = Saturday) of days-of-the week indicating when the operator is available to receive pager notifications.
netsend_address nvarchar(100) Operator address for network pop-up notifications.
last_netsend_date int Date the operator was last notified by network pop-up.
last_netsend_time int Time the operator was last notified by network pop-up.
category_name sysname Name of the operator category to which this operator belongs.


sp_help_operator must be run from the msdb database.


By default, members of the sysadmin fixed server role can execute this stored procedure. Other users must be granted one of the following SQL Server Agent fixed database roles in the msdb database:

  • SQLAgentUserRole

  • SQLAgentReaderRole

  • SQLAgentOperatorRole

For details about the permissions of these roles, see SQL Server Agent Fixed Database Roles.


The following example reports information about operator François Ajenstat.

USE msdb ;  
EXEC dbo.sp_help_operator  
    @operator_name = N'François Ajenstat' ;  

See also

sp_add_operator (Transact-SQL)
sp_delete_operator (Transact-SQL)
sp_update_operator (Transact-SQL)
System Stored Procedures (Transact-SQL)