changefeed.change_feed_settings (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server 2022 (16.x) Azure SQL Database Azure Synapse Analytics

Contains metadata that is used to configure change feed for Azure Synapse Link for SQL.

Column name Data type Description
maxtrans int Maximum transactions to process in each cycle.
seqno binary(10) Log Sequence Number (LSN) marker to track the last published LSN (log record).
schema_version int Tracks current schema version of database. Determines whether a schema needs to be updated or not on startup.
pollinterval int The frequency that the log is scanned for any new changes in seconds.


The changefeed.change_feed_settings system table isn't used in Fabric mirrored databases, instead use the sys.sp_help_change_feed_settings (Transact-SQL) system stored procedure.