HelpLink element

The HelpLink element of the Detail property is a URL string that is generated by the report server. The URL targets a Web page managed by Microsoft Help and Support and provides more help and knowledge base articles about specific errors that occur in Reporting Services. The URL has the following syntax:

The following table lists the arguments of the HelpLink URL.

Argument Value
EvtSrc "Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.ErrorStrings.resources.Strings"
EvtID The report server error code, for example, rsReservedItem.
ProdName "Microsoft SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services". The value of the product name is URL encoded.
ProdVer The version number of Reporting Services. A value of "8.00" indicates SQL Server 2000 (8.x) Reporting Services.

The following example illustrates the HelpLink URL that is returned for error code rsReservedItem. This error occurs when a user attempts to modify or delete a reserved item in Reporting Services:  

You can access the HelpLink element in your code using the SoapException class.

Catch e As SoapException  
End Try  
catch (SoapException e)  

Introduction to exception management in Reporting Services
Reporting Services SoapException class
Use the Detail property to handle specific errors