Cache a report (Report Manager)
One way to improve performance is to configure caching properties for a report. When a report is cached, a copy of the rendered report is saved for a short period of time. The first user who requests the report must wait for all processing to complete before viewing the report. Subsequent users who request the report within the caching period can view it right away because processing already occurred.
There are restrictions on the types of reports that you can cache. For example, a report can't be cached if report output varies based on the user identity or if data is retrieved using the security token of the user who requests the report. For more information, see Caching Reports (SSRS).
Schedule the expiration of a cached report
In Report Manager, navigate to the Contents page. Navigate to the report for which you want to set caching properties, hover over the item, and select the arrow.
In the menu, choose Manage.
In the left frame, choose the Processing Options.
On the page, select Always run this report with the most recent data.
Select one of the following two cache options and configure expiration as follows:
To configure a cached copy to expire after a particular time period, choose Cache a temporary copy of the report. Expire copy of report after a number of minutes. Enter the number of minutes for report expiration.
To configure a cached copy to expire on a schedule, choose Cache a temporary copy of the report. Expire copy of report on the following schedule. Select Configure, or select a shared schedule to control report expiration
Select Apply.