Job Step Properties - New Job Step (Advanced Page)

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Managed Instance


On Azure SQL Managed Instance, most, but not all SQL Server Agent features are currently supported. See Azure SQL Managed Instance T-SQL differences from SQL Server for details.

Use this page to view and change the properties of a SQL Server Agent job step.


On success action
Sets the action for SQL Server Agent to perform if the job step succeeds.

Retry attempts
Sets the number of times that SQL Server Agent attempts to retry a failed job step.

Retry interval (minutes)
Sets the amount of time for SQL Server Agent to wait between retry attempts.

On failure action
Sets the action for SQL Server Agent to perform if the job step fails.

Options for Transact-SQL Job Steps

Output file
Sets the file to use for output from the job step. This option is available only to members of the sysadmin fixed server role.

Browse to the file to use for output from the job step.

In SQL Server, this button is disabled for viewing output files. Instead, use Notepad to view Job Step output files.

Append output to existing file
Append output to the existing contents of the file. Otherwise, the previous file contents are overwritten each time the job step runs.

Log to table
Logs Job Step output to the sysjobstepslogs table in the msdb database.

After the job step has run at least once, select View to view its output in the table.

Append output to existing entry in table
Appends output to the existing contents of the table. Otherwise, the previous table contents are overwritten each time the job step runs.

Include step output in history
Select this option to include output from the job step in the job history.

Run as user
If you're a member of the sysadmin fixed server role, you can select another SQL login to run this job step.

Options for Operating System (CmdExec) Job Steps

Output file
Sets the file to use for output from the job step.

Browse to the file to use for output from the job step.

In SQL Server, this button is disabled for viewing output files. Instead, use Notepad to view Job Step output files.

Append output to existing file
Appends the Job Step output to the previous file contents each time it runs.

Log to table
Logs Job Step output to the sysjobstepslogs table in the msdb database.

After the job step has run at least once, select View to view its output in the table.

Append output to existing entry in table
Appends output to the existing contents of the table. Otherwise, the previous table contents are overwritten each time the job step runs.

Include step output in history
Select this option to include output from the job step in the job history.

Options for PowerShell Job Steps

Output file
Sets the file to use for output from the job step.

Browse to the file to use for output from the job step.

In SQL Server, this button is disabled for viewing output files. Instead, use Notepad to view Job Step output files.

Append output to existing file
Appends the Job Step output to the previous file contents each time it runs.

Log to table
Logs Job Step output to the sysjobstepslogs table in the msdb database.

After the job step has run at least once, select View to view its output in the table.

Append output to existing entry in table
Appends output to the existing contents of the table. Otherwise, the previous table contents are overwritten each time the job step runs.

Include step output in history
Select this option to include output from the job step in the job history.

Options for Replication Queue Reader Job Steps

Sets the server to use for a replication queue reader job step.

Sets the database to use for a replication queue reader job step.

Options for SQL Server Analysis Services Job Steps

Output file
Sets the file to use for output from the job step. This option is available only to members of the sysadmin fixed server role.

Browse to the file to use for output from the job step.

In SQL Server, this button is disabled for viewing output files. Instead, use Notepad to view Job Step output files.

Append output to existing file
Append output to the existing contents of the file. Otherwise, the previous file contents are overwritten each time the job step runs.

Log to table
Logs Job Step output to the sysjobstepslogs table in the msdb database.

After the job step has run at least once, select View to view its output in the table.

Append output to existing entry in table
Appends output to the existing contents of the table. Otherwise, the previous table contents are overwritten each time the job step runs.

Include step output in history
Select this option to include output from the job step in the job history.

See Also