emoticons, emoji

Use emoticons. A little personality goes a long way.

In the right context, emoticons can help customers connect with us.

It's OK to use emoticons carefully when:

  • The message is short.
  • The message will be seen only once.

Don't use emoticons when:

  • There's a serious problem.
  • The message will be seen repeatedly.

The emoticons :) and :( are widely understood. Be cautious using other emoticons.

Most of the time, don’t use emoji in text-based communications. When you do, be aware of potential cultural and diversity implications, as you would with any image. To learn more, see Bias-free communication and Global communications.

In discussions about emoji, use emoji as both the singular and plural noun forms.

Emoticons and emoji might be removed in localized versions. Make sure your message gets across without them, and don't embed them in images.