Enable Remote Mailbox (Hybrid)

You can use the Enable Remote Mailbox (Hybrid) activity to create a mailbox in the cloud-based service for an existing user in the on-premises Active Directory (hybrid environment).

The following tables list the required properties, optional properties, and published data for this activity.

Required properties for Enable Remote Mailbox (Hybrid)

Element Description Valid values
Identity The identity of the Active Directory user. This element can be one of the following value types:
Distinguished name (DN)
User principal name (UPN)
User alias

Optional properties for Enable Remote Mailbox (Hybrid)

Element Description Valid values
Alias Specifies the alias of the user and the associated mailbox in the service. An alias can contain letters, numbers, and the following punctuation marks and symbols:
! # $ % ^ & * + - . / = ? _ { }
Archive Specifies whether to create an archive mailbox for the specified user. Default is True, when selected. True, False
Archive Name Specifies the name of the archive mailbox. Use this property to change the name of the archive. String
Display Name Specifies the display name for the mailbox that is created in the service. String
Domain Controller Specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller that writes this configuration change to Active Directory. String
Equipment Specifies the new mailbox as equipment if this mailbox is a resource mailbox.
Default is True, when selected.
True, False
Primary SMTP Address Primary SMTP address for the mailbox. String
Room Specifies the new mailbox as a room, if this mailbox is a resource mailbox. Default is True, when selected. True, False
Remote Routing Address Specifies the SMTP address of the mailbox in the service that this user is associated with.
If you've configured mail flow between the on-premises organization and the service, you don't need to specify this property. The remote routing address is calculated automatically.

Published data for Enable Remote Mailbox (Hybrid)

Element Description Valid values
Accept Messages Only From Mailbox users and mail-enabled contacts from whom this mailbox will accept messages. String
Accept Messages Only From DL Members Distribution lists from whom this mailbox will accept messages. String
Accept Messages Only From Senders Or Members Senders or members from whom this mailbox will accept messages. String
Address List Membership The address lists of which this mailbox is a member. String
Alias Mail nickname of the user. String
Arbitration Mailbox The mailbox that is used to manage the moderation process. String
Archive Database Archive mailbox database.
Archive GUID The archive mailbox identifier. String
Archive Name The archive mailbox name. String
Archive Quota The archive mailbox Quota parameter. String
Archive Status The archive status (Active or None). String
Archive Warning Quota Mailbox size at which a warning message is sent. String
Bypass Moderation From Senders Or Members Senders or list members whose messages aren't subject to approval. String
Calendar Version Store Disabled Indicates whether changes to calendar items are logged. String
Custom Attribute 1 Custom attribute 1. String
Custom Attribute 10 Custom attribute 10. String
Custom Attribute 11 Custom attribute 11. String
Custom Attribute 12 Custom attribute 12. String
Custom Attribute 13 Custom attribute 13. String
Custom Attribute 14 Custom attribute 14. String
Custom Attribute 15 Custom attribute 15. String
Custom Attribute 2 Custom attribute 2. String
Custom Attribute 3 Custom attribute 3. String
Custom Attribute 4 Custom attribute 4. String
Custom Attribute 5 Custom attribute 5. String
Custom Attribute 6 Custom attribute 6. String
Custom Attribute 7 Custom attribute 7. String
Custom Attribute 8 Custom attribute 8. String
Custom Attribute 9 Custom attribute 9. String
Deliver to Mailbox And Forward The forwarding address of the mailbox. String
Disabled Archive Database ID of disabled archive database. String
Disabled Archive GUID GUID of disabled archive. String
Display Name The contents of the Simple Display Name field. String
Distinguished Name Exchange's legacy distinguished name. String
Email Address Policy Enabled Indicates whether the use of Address Policies is enabled. String
Email Addresses Collection of email addresses for the mailbox. String
End Date For Retention Hold End date of the Retention Hold period. Datetime
Exchange Environment Indicates the type of Exchange Server environment where this activity will be executed. Default is On-premises. String
Exchange GUID Unique identifier of the Microsoft Exchange installation. String
Exchange PowerShell Application The application name segment of the connection URI. String
Exchange Server Host The connected host Exchange Server. String
Exchange Server Port The connected Exchange Server port. String
Exchange User Account Control Specifies a mask that is used to retrieve the user account control flags associated with this mailbox. This can be one of the following values:
Exchange User Name The username used to sign in to the Exchange server. String
Exchange Version Version of the Exchange Server. String
Extension Custom Attribute 1 Extension Custom Attribute 1. String
Extension Custom Attribute 2 Extension Custom Attribute 2. String
Extension Custom Attribute 3 Extension Custom Attribute 3. String
Extension Custom Attribute 4 Extension Custom Attribute 4. String
Extension Custom Attribute 5 Extension Custom Attribute 5. String
Extensions Extension List. String
External Directory Object Id ID of the mailbox in the external directory. String
Forwarding Address Forwarding Address defined for the mailbox. String
GUID Mailbox GUID. String
Grant Send On Behalf to List of users who are allowed to send messages on the owner's behalf. String
Has Picture Indicates whether a picture is associated with the mailbox. String
Has Spoken Name Indicates whether a spoken name is associated with the mailbox. String
Hidden from Address Lists Enabled Indicates whether mailbox information is hidden from address book. String
Identity Mailbox identity. String
Immutable ID Mailbox identifier that will never change. String
Is Valid Indicates whether the object is configured correctly. String
Last Exchange Changed Time Last Exchange changed time. String
Legacy Exchange DN Legacy Exchange DN. String
Litigation Hold Date Date and time when litigation hold was enabled. Datetime
Litigation Hold Enabled Indicates whether the mailbox is under a litigation hold. String
Litigation Hold Owner User who enabled the litigation hold. String
Mail Tip Mail tip. String
Mail Tip Translations List of mail tip translations. String
Mailbox Move Batch Name Name of the move batch that contains this mailbox. String
Mailbox Move Flags Flags for a mailbox move. This can be one of the following values:
Mailbox Move Remote Host Name Name of the remote host that is participating in the move. String
Mailbox Move Source MDB Active Directory identifier of the source database. String
Mailbox Move Status Indicates the status of a mailbox move. This can be one of the following values:
Mailbox Move Target MDB Active Directory identifier of the database that the mailbox is being copied to. String
Max Receive Size Received message size limit. String
Max Send Size Sent message size limit. String
Moderated By List of users responsible for moderating this mailbox. String
Moderation Enabled Indicates whether moderation is enabled for this mailbox. String
Name Name associated with this object. String
Object Category Active Directory object category for this mailbox. String
Object Class List of Active Directory object classes that apply to this mailbox. String
On Premises Organizational Unit Organizational unit for this mailbox. String
Organization ID Organization for this mailbox. String
Originating Server Originating server. String
Partner Object ID GUID for partner object ID. String
Persisted Capabilities Persisted capability list. String
Policies Excluded List of policies that are excluded. String
Policies Included List of policies that are included. String
Primary SMTP Address Primary SMTP address for the mailbox. String
Protocol Settings Protocols used by the mailbox. String
Recipient Limits Maximum number of recipients per message that this mailbox can send to. String
Recipient Type Recipient type. String
Recipient Type Details Recipient type details. String
Reject Messages From Rejected sender IDs list. String
Reject Messages From DL Members Rejected sender IDs list. String
Reject Messages From Senders or Members Rejected sender IDs list. String
Remote Recipient Type Remote recipient type. String
Remote Routing Address The SMTP address of the mailbox in the service that is associated with this mail-enabled user. String
Require Sender Authentication Enabled Indicates whether sender authentication is required. String
Retain Deleted Items For Length of time to keep deleted items. String
Retention Comment The comment that is displayed regarding the user's retention hold status. String
Retention Hold Enabled Indicates whether the contents of the mailbox are subject to retention. String
Retention URL Retention policy that is applied to the mailbox. String
SAM Account Name URL for a webpage with details about the organization's message retention policies. String
Send Moderation Notifications Enable moderation notifications for this mailbox. String
Simple Display Name Simple display name. String
Single Item Recovery Enabled Indicates whether the Recovery Items folder can be purged. String
Skip CA Check Indicates whether the client will skip validation that the server certificate is signed by a trusted certification authority (CA) when connecting over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). String
Skip CN Check Indicates whether the client will skip validation that the certificate common name (CN) of the server matches the hostname of the server. String
Skip Revocation Check Indicates whether the connection will skip validation of the revocation status of the server certificate. String
Start Date For Retention Hold Date and time that a retention hold on messages in this mailbox begins. Datetime
UM DTMF Map UM DTMF Map. String
Use SSL Indicates whether SSL encryption is used. String
User Principal Name Principal name for the mailbox user. String
When Changed Date and time when mailbox was changed. Datetime
When Changed UTC UTC date and time when the mailbox was changed. Datetime
When Created Date and time when the mailbox was created. Datetime
When Created UTC UTC date and time when the mailbox was created. Datetime
When Mailbox Created Date and time when mailbox was created. Datetime
Windows Email Address Email address. String