Manage Checkpoint


This version of Orchestrator has reached the end of support. We recommend you to upgrade to Orchestrator 2022.

The Manage Checkpoint activity is used to restore a virtual machine to the state when the checkpoint was created or to remove a checkpoint that is no longer needed.

The activity publishes all the data from the required and optional properties into published data. The following tables list the required and optional properties and published data for this activity.

Manage Checkpoint required properties

Element Description Valid Values
ID The unique identifier (GUID) of the checkpoint inside the platform; for example, Hyper-V, VMWare, or Virtual Server
Action Remove or Restore

Manage Checkpoint published data

Element Description Valid Values
Accessibility Public or Internal
Action Remove or Restore
Added Time The date and time that the checkpoint was added, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss AM or PM
Checkpoint ID The unique identifier (GUID) of the checkpoint
Checkpoint Name The name of the checkpoint
ID The unique identifier (GUID) of the checkpoint inside the platform; for example, Hyper-V, VMWare, or Virtual Server
Description An alphanumeric description of the checkpoint
Enabled True or False. If False, the virtual machine can't be started.
Modified Time The modification date and time for the checkpoint, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss AM or PM
Most Recent Task The last recorded task for the checkpoint, for example, Start virtual machine
Parent Checkpoint ID The unique identifier (GUID) of the parent of the checkpoint
Virtual Disk Drives The list of virtual disk drive names recorded for the checkpoint
VM ID The unique identifier (GUID) of the virtual machine for which the checkpoint was created
VM Name The name of the virtual machine for which the checkpoint was created