How to upgrade an ACS Collector

Perform this procedure to upgrade the Audit Collection Services (ACS) Collector locally on the ACS collector. During this procedure, the ACS database is also upgraded without any additional steps.


A computer that hosts an ACS Collector must also be an Operations Manager management server or gateway server.

Before you begin the upgrade process, ensure that your server meets the minimum supported configurations. For more information, see System Requirements for System Center Operations Manager.

To upgrade an ACS Collector

  1. Sign in to the computer that hosts the ACS Collector with an Operations Manager Administrators role account for your Operations Manager management group.

  2. On the Operations Manager media, run Setup.exe.

  3. In the Install section, select Audit Collection Services. The Audit Collection Services Setup wizard starts.

  4. On the Welcome to the Audit Collection Services Collector Setup Wizard page, select Next.

  5. On the Database Installation Options page, select Use an existing database, and select Next.

  6. On the Data Source page, enter the name that you used as the Open Database Connectivity data source name for your ACS database in the Data source name box. By default, this name is OpsMgrAC. Select Next.

  7. On the Database page, if the database is on a separate server than the ACS Collector, select Remote Database Server, and then enter the computer name of the database server that will host the database for this installation of ACS. Otherwise, select Database server running locally, and select Next.

  8. On the Database Authentication page, select one authentication method. If the ACS Collector and the ACS database are members of the same domain, you can select Windows authentication; otherwise, select SQL authentication, and then select Next.


    If you select SQL authentication and select Next, the Database Credentials page appears. Enter the name of the user account that has access to the SQL Server in the SQL login name box and the password for that account in the SQL password password box, and then select Next.

  9. The Summary page displays a list of actions that the installation program will perform to upgrade ACS. Review the list, and then select Next to begin the installation.


    If a SQL Server Login dialog appears and the database authentication is set to Windows Authentication, select the correct database, and then verify that the Use Trusted Connection check box is selected. Otherwise, clear it, enter the SQL Server login name and password, and select OK.

  10. When the upgrade is finished, select Finish.

Next steps