How to Move the Reporting Server Role

You can move the System Center Operations Manager Reporting server component to a new server, or reinstall the component on the original server.

During this move, Operations Manager stops storing data in the OperationsManagerDW database until you complete the Operations Manager reporting server reinstall.

Use the procedures in this article to move the reporting server to a new server and verify the success of the move. You must back up any custom reports authored outside of Operations Manager, favorites, and schedules, which are stored in the report server database. For more information about the preparation and steps required to move the SQL Server reporting services installation, see Moving the Report Server Databases to Another Computer (SSRS Native Mode).


Ensure that you follow all steps precisely, as not doing so might result in data corruption.

Migration Overview

The migration process for Reporting Services includes manual and automated steps. The following tasks are part of a report server migration:

  • Back up databases and configuration files, such as Web.config, if you configured report server to enable FIPS compliance.
  • Back up the encryption key.
  • Install a new instance of SQL Server. If you're using the same hardware, you can install SQL Server side-by-side with your existing installation if it was one of the supported versions.
  • Configure the report server.
  • Install Operations Manager Reporting server component.
  • Move the report server database from your existing installation to your new SQL Server installation.
  • Restore settings defined in Web.config to include custom settings enabled in the previous configuration.

Backup data

  1. Create a full backup of the data warehouse database. The default name is OperationsManagerDW. Also create a full backup of the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB database. For more information, see Create a Full Database Backup (SQL Server).
  2. On the current Operations Manager reporting server, back up the SSRS encryption key. For more information, see SSRS Encryption Keys - Back Up and Restore Encryption Keys.
  3. Back up the report server configuration files. Files to back up include:
    • Web.config

Uninstall Operations Manager reporting server

  1. On the current Operations Manager reporting server, uninstall the Operations Manager reporting server component as follows:
    a. Open Control Panel, and select Programs and Features.
    b. In Programs and Features, select System Center Operations Manager, and select Uninstall/Change.
    c. In the Operations Manager Setup wizard, select Remove a feature.
    d. In the Select features to remove page, select Reporting server, and select Uninstall. Select Close when the wizard finishes.

  2. On the SQL Server instance hosting the data warehouse database, restore the data warehouse database you previously backed up. For more information, see Restore a Database Backup (SQL Server Management Studio).

Install SQL Server Reporting Services

  1. If you're installing the Operations Manager reporting server component on a new server, perform a new install SQL Server Reporting Services.
  2. If you're reinstalling the Operations Manager reporting server component on the original server, you must remove any data that's left from the original installation by doing the following:
    a. Copy the ResetSRS.exe tool from the SupportTools folder on the product source media to a local folder.
    b. Open a command prompt window using the Run as Administrator option and run the tool as follows: ResetSRS.exe <SQL Server instance name>. Here, SQL Server instance name is the SQL Server instance that SQL Reporting Services is installed on, such as Instance1. If SQL Server is using the default instance, enter MSSQLSERVER.
    d. Configure the report server Web service and portal URL, and report server database using the Reporting Services Configuration tool. For more information, see Configure a Report Server (Reporting Services Native Mode).

Verify the installation of SQL Report server

If you're reinstalling the Operations Manager reporting server component on the original server, perform the following steps to confirm SQL Reporting Services is working correctly.

  1. Run the Reporting Services Configuration tool and connect to the report server instance you just installed. The Web Service URL page includes a link to the Report Server Web service. Select the link to verify you can access the server.
  2. Open a browser and enter the report server URL in the address bar. The address consists of the server name and the virtual directory name that you specified for the report server during setup. By default, the report server virtual directory is named ReportServer. You can use the following URL to verify report server installation: http://<computer name>/ReportServer<_instance name>. The URL will be different if you installed the report server as a named instance.
  3. To verify that the web portal is installed and running, open a browser and enter the Web Portal URL in the address bar. The address consists of the server name and the virtual directory name that you specified for the web portal during setup or in the Web Portal URL page in the Reporting Services Configuration tool. By default, the web portal virtual directory is Reports. You can use the following URL to verify the web portal installation: http://<computer name>/Reports<_instance name>.

Install Operations Manager Reporting server

  1. On the new Operations Manager reporting server, install the Operations Manager Reporting server component as follows:
    a. On the Configuration, SQL Server instance for reporting services page, ensure that the SQL Server instance refers to the new SQL Server instance if you're moving reporting to a new server.
    b. On the Configuration, Configure Operation Manager accounts page, ensure that the Data Reader account is the same account previously used for the report server.

If you're restoring the original configuration on a new SQL Server reporting services instance, restore the original ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB databases for SQL Server Reporting services to preserve your custom reports, favorites, and schedules from the original reporting services deployment.

  1. Verify the RSExecRole is a database role with the report server database and temporary database. RSExecRole must have select, insert, update, delete, and reference permissions in the report server database tables, and execute permissions on the stored procedures.
  2. Restore the encryption keys you backed up earlier. For more information, see SSRS Encryption Keys - Back Up and Restore Encryption Keys.
  3. Restore custom settings defined in Web.config enabled in the previous configuration.
  4. Restart the Report Server service.

After completing the installation and post-configuration steps, perform the following to confirm Operations Manager reporting is working correctly.

  1. Verify that you can successfully run a report from the Operations console.
  2. Ensure that the health state of all Management servers is Healthy.

Next steps