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Microsoft Q&A graduates to General Availability!

This post was written by Sandra Aldana, Senior Program Manager, Developer Relations for Cloud + AI Division.

Microsoft Q&A, the place to get answers to all your technical questions on Microsoft products and services, was launched on October 30, 2019 as a Preview with support for 11 services. Since then, we have onboarded more services and released key features so you can get your technical answers faster.

We're excited to share that today we reach an important milestone in our journey, and graduating Microsoft Q&A to General Availability (GA)!


Now Q&A is ready to support more of your needs thanks to:

  1. Microsoft Q&A is now the official Microsoft site to support all the questions related to Azure services. In addition, in the coming weeks Microsoft Q&A will support more products and services.

  2. Features. In collaboration with our partners, Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs), and you, we have implemented many bug fixes and have shipped the following key features and improvements:

    • Instant answers to help you find the answers you are looking for faster. As you begin to ask your question or do a search, we will suggest related answers from Microsoft Q&A and MSDN Forums!

      Instant answers with MSDN Forums matching

    • New home and product pages to show which products Microsoft Q&A supports.

      Microsoft Q&A home page

    • Microsoft Employee and Microsoft MVP affiliation shown on the Q&A user cards and profile, so you know when a Microsoft expert is answering your question.

      Microsoft Employee

      Microsoft Employee affiliation


      MVP affiliation

    • Improvements to the editor to streamline posting questions, answers, comments, and site feedback.

    • Show original poster in the content lists together with the person who last updated the thread.

  3. Help content has been added and updates to help you understand how the platform works, as well as suggestions on how to post good questions and answers to increase your efficiency.

Check out the Top Q&A features page for more details.

What’s next?

We are excited about the following upcoming deliverables over the next few months:

  • Private messages to enable Microsoft support engineers to communicate with you privately to share information and safely troubleshoot your issue.
  • Drafts to ensure that you don’t lose your work when you need to step away when asking a question or offering an answer, comment, or feedback.
  • Unread filter, so you can focus on content you have not visited yet.
  • Badges to recognize your impactful participation on Microsoft Q&A.
  • Recognize your contributions to MSDN and TechNet platforms over the years.
  • Adding other Microsoft affiliations to our profile and Microsoft Q&A.
  • Continuing to move support from MSDN and TechNet forums, support new services, or consolidate support from other sites.

Thank you

We want to thank you all our internal team members who had made this release possible, our Microsoft MVPs for their constant and honest feedback and answering so many questions to help our customers to achieve more.

We also want to thank you for all your support on the platform by giving us feedback for improvement, asking questions, and helping your community members by sharing your knowledge through your answers. We could not have reached this important milestone without you all!

We want your feedback

We would love to hear from you. Please reach out to us and share your feedback through our feedback channel.