School meal nutrition (using Filetypes)

You're giving a presentation on school meal nutrition for health class. You'll need to search the web to learn about what requirements meals must meet to be served by schools.

Question to think about:

  • What are school meal nutrition standards?

Try it

  1. Open Search Coach
  2. Type [school meal nutrition standards] into the search bar and run your search.
  3. Take note of the results you get. What are the domains?
    • Open the first three results. What do you notice about the content?
  4. Now, try adding the File type filter to your search.
    • PDFs are frequently research papers or essays. Select Filetypes then select pdf and run your search again.
    • What do your results look like? What are the domains?
    • Open the first three results. What do you notice about the content? How do these results compare to the first set?

Think about it

  • What surprised you about the results?
  • When would you use a File type filter in your search again?
  • Which website would you choose to share with a school administrator interested in making changes to your school's menu?

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