Lab - Work with accounting distributions, invoice validations, and settlements


Read this first - before you start the lab!


For this lab, you CAN'T sign in with your own credentials. Use the following steps to sign in to your lab environment with the correct credentials.

  1. Ensure that you're signed in to Microsoft Learn.
  2. Select Launch VM mode or Sign in to launch VM mode in this unit.
  3. In the Resources tab on the lab side bar, select the T icon next to Password in the Finance and Operations box, to have the administrator password for the Virtual Machine (VM) entered for you.
  4. Select Enter.
  5. Select No in the Networks page.
  6. Microsoft Edge opens. Wait for it to navigate to the Sign in page for finance and operations. If you experience an issue with the Sign in page loading, try to restart the browser in the VM.
  7. On the Microsoft Sign in page in finance and operations, place your mouse cursor into the Username field.
  8. On the Resources tab of the lab side bar, below the Azure portal heading, select the T icon next to Username, then press Enter.
  9. Your mouse cursor is now in the Password page.
  10. On the Resources tab of the lab side bar, below the Azure portal heading, select the T icon next to select Password, then press Enter.
  11. In the Save password window, select Never.
  12. Select Accept in the Permissions requested page.
  13. To see the lab instructions, select the Instructions tab on the lab side bar.

You can now begin your work on this lab.

Scenario - Record a vendor invoice and match it against a received quantity

When you receive an invoice from a vendor for goods or services on a purchase order, the business processes might require that the goods or services be received before the invoice can be approved for payment.

Before you begin

  1. In the company USMF, go to Accounts payable > Setup > Accounts payable parameters, and select Invoice validation.
  2. Ensure that the Enable invoice matching validation option is selected.
  3. On the same tab, set the Post invoice with discrepancies field is set to Require approval.
  4. On the Price and quantity matching tab set the Line matching policy field in the Price and quantity matching section to Three-way matching.
  5. Select Save and close the page.

Create a purchase order

To create a purchase order, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Accounts payable > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.

  2. Select New.

  3. In the Vendor account field, select US-103 Rain Projectors.

  4. Under the General FastTab, in the Warehouse field select 11

  5. Select OK.

  6. Make a note of the purchase order number. You'll need this for the next part of the lab. The purchase order number is shown on the upper left of the page, as shown in the screenshot.

    Screenshot of All purchase orders page showing the purchase order number.

  7. Under the Purchase order lines, select Add line.

  8. In the Item number field, select A0001.

  9. In the Quantity field, type 60.

  10. On the Action Pane, select the Purchase tab.

  11. Select Confirm in the Actions submenu.

Post a product receipt

To post a product receipt, follow these steps.

  1. On the Purchase order page, in the Action Pane, select Receive.
  2. Select Product receipt.
  3. In the Product receipt field, type RainPR1.
  4. Select OK.

Record and match a vendor invoice to a product receipt

To record and match a vendor invoice to a product receipt, follow these steps.

  1. On the Action Pane, select the Invoice tab.
  2. Under the Generate header, select Invoice.
  3. Under the Vendor invoice header, in the Number field, enter RainInv1.
  4. In the Action Pane, select Match product receipts.
  5. Verify the status of Match product receipts to invoice by scrolling under the Items header in the Product receipt quantity match column. Ensure this column has a status of Passed and the Match check box is selected in the Overview section below.
  6. Select OK.
  7. On the Action Pane, select Review. You may need to locate the Review tab by selecting the More (...) tab next to the Attachments and Search bar buttons.
  8. Select Matching details under the Matching section.
  9. Verify results by checking if there are any quantity or price errors at the top of the page. If the two toggles are set to No, then no errors exist.
  10. don't post the invoice.
  11. Save and close all pages.

Scenario - Use the vendor invoice matching policy

You'll create a vendor invoice from a purchase order and view the results of matching the purchase order, receipt, and invoice (three-way matching).

Create a purchase order and change the line matching policy

  1. In the company USMF, go to Accounts payable > Purchase orders > Purchase orders received but not invoiced.
  2. Select the purchase order that you created and noted in the earlier part of the lab.
  3. On the Action Pane, select Invoice.
  4. Under the Generate section, select Invoice.
  5. In the Number field, verify the value RainInv1 is saved from earlier. This can be modified if you wish.
  6. In the Invoice description field, enter Invoice matching demo.
  7. In the Invoice date field, enter today’s date.
  8. Under the Lines FastTab, enter '1200' in the Unit price field.
  9. Select Add line.
  10. In the Item number field, select the drop-down button to open the lookup.
  11. In the list, find the item number S0001 installation services.
  12. Note the Price match field by scrolling on the lines. The matching has not been performed.
  13. Select Update match status in the Action Pane. Note the Price match field for item A0001 is Failed.
  14. On the Action Pane, select Review which can be found by selecting More (...).
  15. Select Matching details. The new line with services doesn't need to be matched so the status stays Not performed. Notice that for item A0001, there's a price discrepancy.
  16. Close the page.
  17. Select the invoice line for item A0001 that you have received. The line with the product receipt was matched but there's a mismatch of quantity or price, so it fails.
  18. In the Unit price field, enter 12.
  19. Select Update match status.
  20. Now that the unit price matches, the Price match field is updated to Passed. If your policy allows discrepancies or if matching is only a warning, you can still post the invoice.
  21. Select Post in the Action Pane.
  22. The page automatically closes.
  23. Close the next page.
  24. Note that the purchase order is no longer listed on the Purchase orders received but not invoiced page because it has been now posted.
  25. Close all open pages.

Scenario - Prohibit submission to a workflow

This part of the lab has a prerequisite.

Prerequisite - Create a workflow

To perform this part of the lab you must create a workflow.

  1. In the company USMF, go to Accounts payable > Setup > Accounts payable workflows.
  2. Select New.
  3. Select Vendor invoice workflow.


    If nothing happens, then restart the Internet browser in the lab environment, log in to finance and operations again by using the credentials in the Azure portal section of the Resources tab in the lab side bar. Then perform steps 1 to 3 again.

  4. Select Open in the Open this file? dialog box.
  5. Select Run to run the Workflow editor host application.
  6. In the Sign in page, log in by using the credentials in the Azure portal section of the Resources tab in the lab side bar. The workflow editor may take a minute to open.
  7. From the left navigation bar drag the Approve vendor invoice icon under the Approvals FastTab into the canvas between the Start and End icons.
  8. When selecting the Start icon, you'll see handles on all 4 sides. Select one of them and then drag an arrow to the Approve vendor invoice icon, to one of the handles on there.
  9. Repeat the same between the Approve vendor invoice icon to the End icon.
  10. On the pane at the bottom of the page, you'll have 4 errors or warnings. Select each one.
    • The first will be a warning, noted by the icon at the left of an exclamation point. Select that to open the page that needs to be changed. In this case, you don't have to enter anything, so just close that page, and you'll see the warning is now gone from the bottom pane.
    • Select the next error, Selected assignment type “None” is not supported. On the page that opens, select User. On the User tab, select Admin or any other user and move it over to the Selected users. The error will then be gone and you can close the Step 1 page.
    • The next error is You must enter a message text for language en-us. Select that and then enter in the Work item subject, "Vendor invoice approval".
    • In Work item instructions, enter "Please approve". This will remove all error messages and your workflow is now complete. Select Close.
  11. If the Step 1 Icon still appears on your screen, select the workflow in the upper left to return to the main workflow screen.
  12. At the bottom of the page, select Save and close. (You may need to minimize the page to scroll down).
  13. You can leave the version notes blank, and select OK.
  14. Select the radio button to Activate the new version.
  15. Select OK.
  16. You can now close the workflow program, and all pages in finance and operations.

Scenario steps

In this part of the lab you'll create a purchase order, register the receipt of it, and create the vendor invoice, and submit it to workflow.

  1. Go to Accounts payable > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.
  2. Select New.
  3. Select Vendor account US-104.
  4. Select OK.
  5. Select Item number 1000.
  6. Tab to the Quantity field, and select 25.
  7. Select Purchase in the top menu, and then select Confirm in the Actions group.
  8. Select OK in the You are about to confirm the purchase order while the latest version of it is not confirmed by a vendor. Select OK to continue dialog box.
  9. On the Purchase order lines FastTab, select Update line and then Process, Registration in the drop-down list.
  10. Select Add registration line in the Transactions group.
  11. In the Registration lines FastTab update the Register now field to 18.
  12. Select Confirm registration. Note that you should now see 2 lines in the Transactions section, Registered for 18 and Ordered for 7.
  13. Select Save and close the page.
  14. Back on the All purchase orders page, select the Invoice tab, and in the Generate group, select Invoice
  15. At the top of the page, if Ordered quantity is not the default in the Default from: Product receipt quantity field, select it in the Default from: drop-down list.
  16. Enter an Invoice identification number of 5566. Now you'll have a Registered quantity of 18 and an Invoiced quantity of 25.
  17. Select Save and then on the Workflow tab select Submit. If you don't the see the Workflow tab, select the (…) button and you'll find the Workflow tab. Submit to the workflow.
  18. you'll now see an error message "The review process for vendor invoice 5566 has not been submitted for review. Contact the administrator to correct the error and restart the review process"

The workflow can't start until the difference is resolved between the registered quantity and the invoiced quantity.

Close the lab environment

  1. Select Done in the Instructions pane in the lab side bar.
  2. In the Lab is complete window, select Continue, and then select Leave to return to the next unit in the module.