

Your company is experiencing increased demand for its video rendering service because of its international expansion. You're looking for ways to scale the product to provide a better experience for all customers. You want to understand how to deploy applications to an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster and allow customers access to the application's services.

You created an AKS cluster and deployed your web application to the Kubernetes cluster. When you deployed the web app, you used the Kubernetes declarative paradigm to describe what you wanted to create. This way, you can keep the app's version history and make future deployments easily reproducible.

Imagine how it would be to deploy this application onto multiple virtual machines or another environment without Kubernetes. You would have to re-create your environment with each new deployment and configure more services to manage user requests between these instances. AKS simplifies the implementation of Kubernetes clusters and provides all the orchestration features you need to manage cloud-native applications.

Clean up resources

In this module, you created resources by using your Azure subscription. The following steps show you how to clean up these resources so that there's no continued charge against your account.

  1. Open the Azure portal.

  2. Select Resource groups.

  3. Find the rg-contoso-video resource group, or the resource group name you used, and select it.

  4. On the Overview tab of the resource group, select Delete resource group.

  5. Enter the name of the resource group to confirm. Select Delete to delete all of the resources you created in this module.

  6. Run the kubectl config delete-context command to remove your deleted clusters context. Here's an example of the complete command. Remember to replace the name of the cluster with your cluster's name.

    kubectl config delete-context aks-contoso-video

    If successful, the command returns the following example output.

    deleted context aks-contoso-video from /home/user/.kube/config

Learn more

To learn more about Azure Kubernetes Service, see the following articles: