

By using secrets to keep the connection string safe, you're able to better understand and secure the managed application state, and still deploy your application without any problems. Now, your cluster is better able to handle sensitive values and configurations using ConfigMaps to inject configurations without the need to reboot your application.

Clean up resources

In this module, you created resources using your Azure subscription. The following steps show you how to clean up those resources so you won't incur Azure charges after you're done with the module.


In the optional exercises for this module, you created resources by using your own Azure subscription. Clean up these resources so that you won't continue to be charged for them.

  1. Navigate to the Azure portal.

  2. Select Resource groups > rg-ship-manager.

  3. Select Delete resource group and enter the name of the resource group to confirm.

  4. Select Delete > Delete.

  5. Repeat the preceding steps for the resource group named MC_rg-ship-manager_ship-manager-cluster_eastus to delete all created resources.

  6. Remove the delete cluster's context using the kubectl config delete-context.

    kubectl config delete-context ship-manager

    If the command is successful, it returns the following example output:

    deleted context ship-manager from /home/user/.kube/config

Learn more

To learn more about Azure Kubernetes Service, see the following articles: